* I stand corrected
I Googled myself today, because it had been a while and the last time I did that I found out I had been published. Today I found out that I was on the prop crew for Beauty and the Beast - which is a total lie; I don't do props.
Anyway, I get called Mr. in e-mails rather frequently due to the non-gender-specific name "Ali" (short for Alison, but don't tell anyone). My response has always been: "yeah, cuz there are a whole lot of Muslim Norwegians".
Apparently, the Scandinavian surname doesn't make as much of a difference as I thought, because in 1915 a woman (Edna) married an "Ali Mostrom" (born c.1888 in Clinton, IA) and I just don't think this was a lesbian marriage.
So, I stand corrected. Thanks Google.