
December 1 - part 2

It's World AIDS Day
Here are some facts taken from http://www.worldaidsday.org/about.asp


Last Updated: December 2005

HIV and AIDS around the World

People living with HIV and AIDS 40.3 million
Adults 38.0 million
Women 17.5 million
Children under 15 2.3 million

New HIV cases in 2005 4.9 million
Adults 4.2 million
Children under 15 700,000

AIDS deaths in 2005 3.1 million
Adults 2.6 million
Children under 15 570,000

Total HIV cases to date 64.3 million

Total AIDS deaths to date 23.1 million

HIV by Region 2005

Sub-Saharan Africa
Adults and children living with HIV 25.8 million
Women living with HIV 13.5 million
Adults and children newly infected with HIV 3.2 million
Adult and child deaths due to AIDS 2.4 million

Adults and children living with HIV 8.3 million
Women living with HIV 2.0 million
Adults and children newly infected with HIV 1.1 million
Adult and child deaths due to AIDS 520,000

Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Adults and children living with HIV 1.6 million
Women living with HIV 440,000
Adults and children newly infected with HIV 270,000
Adult and child deaths due to AIDS 62,000

Adults and children living with HIV 300,000
Women living with HIV 140,000
Adults and children newly infected with HIV 30,000
Adult and child deaths due to AIDS 24,000

Latin America
Adults and children living with HIV 1.8 million
Women living with HIV 580,000
Adults and children newly infected with HIV 200,000
Adult and child deaths due to AIDS 66,000

North America, Western and Central Europe
Adults and children living with HIV 1.9 million
Women living with HIV 490,000
Adults and children newly infected with HIV 65,000
Adult and child deaths due to AIDS 30,000

Middle East and North Africa
Adults and children living with HIV 510,000
Women living with HIV 220,000
Adults and children newly infected with HIV 67,000
Adult and child deaths due to AIDS 58,000

Adults and children living with HIV 74,000
Women living with HIV 39,000
Adults and children newly infected with HIV 8,200
Adult and child deaths due to AIDS 3,600


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